Information in english
1960 born in Mannheim (Germany)
1981 university-entrance diploma
1981 first individual exhibition
1982-1988 study of fine arts and history of art in Heidelberg
1983 first multimedia working process (movie "les sentiments secret" )
first appearrance at Klapsmühl`at the city hall Mannheim
1986-1987 Academiy Of Fine Arts in Amsterdam. Prof, Wim Vonk
Professional career
1989-2006 leading position in the branch of movie and multimedia. Also substancial discussion with photo art and using the posibilities of photo
2006 Focus on the using art with new insprations, new motives and techniques.
Working process of artIn the working process of his art are used the different modern multimedia technologies. Objets trouvée, i.e. accidentaly foundes or consciously searched objects like underwear, postcards, magazine-cuttings or clothes and other pieces, which should stand in relationship to the persons going to act in the pantings, are scanned or stick of and distanced. Later at the process the objets trouvées will be painted over. Photos are involved and also videograbbings from videoperformances. Affected to the new added paintings some levels are arising and others are dissapearing. The artist likes to add sheets taken from old scetch-books of his own. The paintings over are done in different techniques. He sets high value on an expressive stroke of the brush, the free modeling of the figures, the bursting of the colors under releasing the original form.
Exhibitionsexhibitions of his own 2024 Gallery AmWebEnd Daphne Landenberger, Kaiserslautern 2023 Art Association Bad Dürkheim 2022 Art Association Heddesheim 2019 Art Association Großkarlbach 2018 Art Association Göllheim 2017 Löhr Center Art Koblenz 2017 Grünstadt Altes Rathaus 2016 Grünstadt Art 2015 “and in the meanwhile I’m still thinking ...” paintings, skulptures and media art, Lautsark records, Mannheim 2015”media sign” paintings, skulptures and media art, Rockenhausen 2014 “walk of sense” paintings and media art, public house Eisenberg (Pfalz) 2011 “sense reloaded” Mischtechniken, Radiologenpraxis Dr. Hoerst Dr. Pilch, Frankenthal 2010 “2nd reality” Malerei u. Mischtechniken, Rheingoldhalle Mannheim 2010 “Kalligraphic Signs” präsentiert vom Kunsthaus Oggersheim in der Kreissparkasse Rhein Pfalz in den Geschäftsstellen Dannstadt und Rödersheim 2009 “Kalligraphic Signs” Physiotherapie am Römer, Eisenberg(Pfalz) 2008 “art²” Ausstellung mit der Bildhauerin Cony Welcker im Café Zeilfelder, Mannheim 2007 “Scarlet Prestige” Linde Buch u. Kunst / Verlagsbuchhandlung Waldkich, Mannheim 1988 Art Association Mannheim 1988 Videoperformance Galerie und Kreathek, Mannheim 1987 Galerie im Künstlerkeller Treffpunkt Gutenberg, Mannheim (Bilder & Videoperformance) 1986 Pakhuis de Schottenburch, Amsterdam 1984 Café Melange, Mannheim 1984 Klapsmühl’ am Rathaus, Mannheim 1982 Deutsch-Amerikanisches-Institut, Heidelberg 1981 Freizeithaus Luisenpark, Mannheim
exhibition involvements 2007 Ausstellung “Les artistes contemporains” Colmar Frankreich 2007 Ausstellung “Galerie Kleiner Prinz”, Baden-Baden 1988 Weihnachtsausstellung Art Association Mannheim 1988 Galerietage Art Association Mannheim (Bilder & Videoinstallation) 1986 Bildende Künstler der Gegenwart, Radschlägersaal, Düsseldorf 1986 Forum Art Galerie Caféteria, Mannheim 1985 Bildende Künstler der Gegenwart, Konrad-Adenauer-Haus, Bonn 1985 Bildende Künstler der Gegenwart, Kongresshaus Wien, Österreich 1984 1.Mannheimer Communale Kunstauktion,